Great service, products, and extraordinary display! Thanks!
Thank you. I will never buy my mother a store cake again. She loved it!
We had to hide the last of the peach cobbler so we could have some the next day. Thank you again!
Good afternoon. I just wanted to tell you that these are some of the best tea cakes I have ever had! I will definitely be ordering again!
The 7-Up pound cake is DELICIOUS! It really is a great cake, and we are so proud of you Mrs. Kim and Courtney!
I tasted the Texas Pecan, Chocolate, and Strawberry cakes. ALL WERE ON POINT! Wonderfully moist, smooth, and I WANT the "Red Velvet" now PLEASE! You guys have a Gold Medal in my book!
I had the chocolate cake! And wow!!!!! Absolutely amazing!! Soooooo delicious! I also had a chance to taste the strawberry and it was also delicious!! It was those fresh strawberries for me!! AMAZING!!!!
Chocolate was amazing! It was moist, sweet, and had chunks of chocolate. Chocolate is one of my favorite cakes, and this one was one of the best I've ever had!
7Up was amazing! It was moist and sweet. Melt in your mouth delicious!
Strawberry had a great flavor! It had pieces of strawberries in it, and I hate bits of fruit in my food. Other than that, it was great! Very moist, and I know it will be a favorite for cooked strawberry lovers!
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